Frequently Asked Questions

  • Unfortunately, we don’t offer a delivery service at the moment.

  • Due to the recent Facebook update, we can’t take orders through Facebook Messenger, because we no longer get notifications for when we receive a new message. It’s best to give us a ring to place an order!

  • Whenever our phone is occupied, other calls won’t get through until our current call has been disconnected. It can happen a lot if we’re very busy (mostly Saturday nights or big days like Christmas Eve) and there are multiple people phoning up at the same time!

    Keep trying! It’s better to place an order on the phone because there may be a long waiting time which might not suit you, and you wouldn’t have wasted your time coming over to the restaurant.

    But if it’s not Saturday or a big day, then it may be worth popping over to the restaurant to order, as it may be an issue with your phone line.

  • Yes, we offer a range of gluten-free options! Most of our dishes that aren’t deep-fried can be made gluten-free, but please mention it to our staff so they can make all the checks necessary to ensure your food is gluten-free.

  • Yes, a lot of our vegetarian dishes can be made vegan. Just mention it to any member of our staff and they will let you know what can be made vegan!

  • We don’t offer free parking, and our road is usually packed with cars, however, you can stay at St Anthony’s car park which is just opposite Penzance Gallery, and it’s free from after 4pm!

  • If you’re trying to book a table for at least a few days away, then that should be fine as we would’ve checked our Messenger by then, but if it’s for the same day or next day, we recommend phoning us to ensure we can book you in